Incident: Charge($CHARGE)

Status: Closed
2 min readOct 7, 2021

⚠️ Investors of Charge — please join the group for more details of a refund.

About the project

Name: Charge
Symbol: $CHARGE
Contract: 0xe3DC4c6590f185cB2756c58cE53d2930E9033dBc


Charge Logo


On Sun 12 Sep 21:40 UTC+2 the pre-sale on UniCrypt ended with 539,7056 BNB. The next day 10,197,802,227 unlocked tokens worth over $40,000 were sold by the team.

We have now launched an official investigation and involved our legal counsel.

In the KYC process, the Founder assured by signature that he was the sole team member with wallet access.

Only now, after the sale of the tokens, it became known that team members also had access to the wallet. The sale was justified by the fact that the funds are needed for marketing purposes. Possibly there are 3 team members who got access to the wallet. The CEO who went through KYC with us is by all appearances just a puppet of this team. However, this person bears the responsibility for the project and will have to face the legal consequences.

However, a sale of all available tokens is the end of a project when all liquidity is withdrawn.

Through tips from the community, we became aware of other projects that were probably also scammed by these team members.

These include BabycateRise and XSpaceDog.

A name + number is also known and the person has already been contacted on Telegram.

The founder, who lives in Germany, has just been informed about the data transfer to the investigating authorities in an official email. He has read and confirmed it. A settlement can only be achieved by repaying the funds. According to his own statements, he will take care of this.

UPDATE: 7. October 2021
Some, but not all, investors were compensated, and only half of them. Further agreements were not adhered to.

The dev team was contacted via WhatsApp, but I was immediately blocked. Legal action was taken against the founder, also the contact details of the dev team (so far 2) were also attached to the investigation.

We will keep you informed about the further steps.


